Proverbs 15:30, "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart and good news gives health to the bones."
"When you put your faith in others, you can help them reach their potential. And you become an important influencer in their lives."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


"Ben"(pronounced as 'Burn'), my sister called. "Why do you even bother calling them friends?"

I was caught in a moment of hurt and anguish. The pain was worse than one caused to the flesh. It cuts deeper, wounding me. My eyes whelp as I could no longer bear the pain. As the betrayal now sets in, it was clear to me.... we weren't actually friends.

This was quite a long time ago in my teen years. Betrayal. Somehow, any injury to the flesh could be fixed but, this one injury would last for many years. It was a stab in the back.

In years to come, I've noticed that I've begun to distant myself from the people around me. I held deep within me a lesson I once learnt from the pain betrayal that was done to me. I never ceased to forgive those who had betrayed me. However, I was certain that I could never allow myself to be hurt again.

My mother had instructed me since I was a boy that forgiveness is key to letting go the grudge within us. I never quite understood it until I saw it with my own eyes. My mother, forgave the one person who would betray her trust the most. She has become the one person that would represent Jesus Christ in this world.

As I grew through the years, experiencing one betrayal after the next and to be abandoned by friends whom I thought would understand me. There was only one person that had never betrayed or abandoned me. He is JESUS CHRIST. I learnt that HE too was betray by His closest friend. A man named Simon whom He intimately called "Peter". Peter wasn't the only person who betrayed. Judas and almost all of Jerussalem betrayed. Abandoned and left Him stranded, hung on a cross.

Illustration of The Betrayal by Michelangelo

I was sure that His heart was bleeding. I am certain that it was heart break that caused His death. But His love was ever so overwhelming. Regardless of the pain and scars He received from such treatment He cried ,"Father, forgive them. For they do not know what they are doing."

There were times I faced such pain from the betrayal of those I considered closest to me. Yet, I knew that unless I forgive them, reach out and love them regardless of the treatment and isolation; I would never be free of it's bondage. Forgiveness has set me free!

Now, I understand that friendships changes. I chose to look at it not as betrayal but rather a change of interest and understanding. What once held friendship together is now just the acquaintance we make out of it. Above all this, it's important that I become the friend to even those who now does not regard it so.

"Greater love has no one than this, that He (Jesus) lay down His life for his friends... I have called you friend."

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