Proverbs 15:30, "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart and good news gives health to the bones."
"When you put your faith in others, you can help them reach their potential. And you become an important influencer in their lives."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MY BIRTHDAY! ....Thank you...

It was spectacular.... I don't have the pictures yet, but I hope to get it and post it up here!

It was simple but the surprise was great. :)

I happened to have lunch on the 1st August, which was a Friday. Lorene and I went to Fun Wok in Kiulap. I actually asked if we could go to a vegetarian restaurant just around the corner but she convinced me otherwise.

So there we were having lunch and talking. She acted it out so well... and should have received a Grammy Award for just acting normal and not get all excited with the surprise that was just about to happen. I finished my meal and was just telling her that we should go for a walk but she continued to act so normally and changed the topic. I didn't realise anything until the cake! A bunch of the guys just appeared out of nowhere and placed a cake right in front of me singing the classic "Happy Birthday" song with all the other customers just staring at us. But wow! I am so blessed!

I wanna say more... but I'm lost for words! I love you guys... and most of all... I love YOU! :)

Thank you!

1 comment:

david santos said...

Happy Birthday!!!